
Friday, February 12, 2010

How To Master Professional Magic Tricks In 4 Easy Steps

Anyone can perform professional magic tricks; all it takes is courage and commitment. Most magicians can truthfully say that the majority of tricks in their bag are relatively easy to perform, yet the real work is done offstage with hours of practice. Many professional magic tricks are based on scientific principles, and learning what makes them work goes a long way in making a better performance.

Whether you want to make a lasting name for yourself, or if you just want to be the life of the next party, here are a few keys tips to developing a set of professional magic tricks.

1) Learn Each Trick Completely

If you are a beginner, learn simple tricks first. The procedures for doing magic tricks can be found online or even in books from your local library. Even though tricks may be classified as easy, study and memorize every step. This will be good training for you when you advance to more difficult tricks. Get into the habit of learning each trick completely; this is a good first step to performing professional quality magic tricks.

2) Practice Makes Perfect

Sometimes, practicing is the hardest part. We all want to immediately work in front of an audience to hear their applause and gasps of wonder. But to get the accolades, you must first do the time. Practice your magic tricks before a mirror, or videotape yourself for a play by play account. Practicing is never a waste of time.

Each minute brings you closer to your goal of performing professional magic tricks. When you watch your performance, either in a mirror or on videotape, you can spot any mistakes or actions that should be corrected. Practicing is the best way to progress.

3) Zero in on Details

Once you get the hang of a few tricks and understand the basics of magic, you may think you can relax a bit. Not so. Magic tricks, even the simple ones, have details that can't be overlooked.

Every magician knows that their entire performance may hinge on the smallest of details. Never look for a shortcut; there are none in magic. Professional magic tricks succeed because the magician considers every step and detail to be equally important.

4) Simplicity Equals Success

Here is an amazing and totally true thought: Most magic tricks are incredibly simple. Of course, professionals want their magic tricks to confound and astound, but the reality is that these illusions are based on easy to learn principles. Sometimes, most of the magic is in the magician's performance, rather than the trick itself. Many tricks that are currently seen in shows today are actually hundreds of years old. This testifies to the magician's everlasting ability to entertain and to the audience's never ceasing wonder.

To perform professional magic tricks, first develop a professional attitude and then practice until your skills are of professional quality. Remember that a professional is merely someone who has studied and mastered his subject. In the case of magic, anyone can reach this level with a determined commitment and a desire to be the best they can be. Before going onstage, repeatedly practice your act offstage. And then listen to the applause that you will conjure up!

Learn Magic In A Snap

A child's life is not complete without magic. The supernatural act has been known to humans since early 1400's and has been used as a ploy for thieves to make victims out of the magician's audience. Nowadays, magic has been extraordinarily brought to streets with the likes of Criss Angel and David Blaine. What better to way to enjoy this performance, than to learn magic yourself!

Lay Your Cards on the Table

It is best to know where to go and who to ask for help. The first step in order to learn magic is getting your resources straight. A great way to start is to find your local magic shop that sells props or equipments that would aid your performance. More often than not, each tool would come with a handy instruction guide on how to use it more effectively with your chosen audience. You may also opt to seek advice from storeowners as they best know the tricks each product holds.

There are also books that hold collections of simple magic tricks that can be done at home or out on the streets. And as always, classes are also available in the World Wide Web that can suit lessons for a toddler to a senior citizen. In your quest to purchase the right prop to use and how to use it, you will surely learn magic in different places.

Performance is the Key

To learn magic quickly and easily, one must also have the basic knowledge of entertaining an audience. An essential part of this mystical feat is not to hold your viewer's attention to whatever is in your hand. You have to look at them straight in the eye and divert their attention to the questions you ask. This would then allow your hand to move more freely and create that seemingly impossible illusion that would make their jaws drop.

Another way to entertain your audience is by making them laugh. When we laugh, we do not pay much attention to what is happening and there are greater chances for you to do unnoticeable gestures. This misdirection would lead to your observers thinking that the ball did disappear or the rabbit did materialize out of the hat.

'Kid'ding Around

As a child, we easily get upset by things we couldn't do. When the sandcastle's roof falls apart, we end up destroying everything out of frustration. When we learn magic, there would be times that we would fail. At this time, you may choose to give up or to learn from your mistake. The latter would always be more fulfilling.

The fruit of performing magic is not in the knowledge that you are powerful and that you hold your spectator's trust, but it is in finding the joy in little things. You have to take your viewers to a place that they've never been before, and this can only be achieved by practice and perseverance. Without the two, there are more chances that the trick will not work.

Lastly, remember to involve your audience. What makes a great magician is not how big his audience is, but how in tune they are to him.

Easy Magic Should Be Secret!

When you watch a magician perform a trick, live or on TV, you know (or suspect) that it is not really magic. You know it is some kind of trick, but you can?t for the life of you figure it out.
Often a simple and easy magic trick, performed on the street, can be more amazing that a slick show on TV.
You can check the set-up, there is no chance of anything hidden happen where the camera is not looking.
This makes it possible to impress and astound your friend!. When a street magician makes the impossible seem real, you are close to him. Since you can look at everything, and walk around him, you think you can see there's no hidden trap doors or cabinets, for example.
It seems impossible not to have his magic tricks revealed simply by looking!
You can do the same. The hidden secret to a magical trick is this - it is the magician himself!
The absolute majority of magic tricks have been practised for a very long time, sometimes they are so old no-one knows when they first were done. And when a trick - a card trick, for example, or a coin trick, is analyzed in detail - the trick itself is usually not complicated at all.
The secret lies in how the performer - you! - do it! The presentation of the trick is what makes it baffling.
For example, you can ask the audience to name a number, and you pull out a card from the bottom of the deck, one at a time, until you come to the number that has been said, and then you pull out an ace! And that happens no matter what number is named.
The secret is ever so simple - the ace should be at the bottom of the cards, held by your little finger. You will naturally need to practise this. To have your magic tricks revealed by mistake, because you are clumsy and drop the card, is not very magical ...
Equally important is to distract the attention of the audience slightly -just by talking you can keep their attention off the pack and stop them from trying to analyze your movements.
It appears to work in the same way as when you drive a car and use a mobile phone at the same time. It has been proven that people react slower.
It seems that your brain focuses effectively on one thing at a time, and this is what you can utilise to amaze your friends.
But remember - magic tricks revealed lose their magic! Keep them secret and only ever discuss them with other magicians!